56 students competed at the SYNT 2019. We congratulate all students for their excellent work. 

Big congratulations go out to the winners Jade Klee and Henry Ledan from the team The Lab Rats.

All the rankings can be found here:


Jade Klee and Henry Ledan from the team The Lab Rats win the final of the SYNT 2019 against the team The Bernoulli Effects

The ranking of the final is as follow: 

  1. The Lab Rats (35.93)
  2. The Bernoulli Effects (35.07) 

 CM4A1577 min 2


The following problems were presented: 

3. Salty soils Jade Klee Henri Staehelin
7. Burning glass LohithSai Yadala Chanchu Henry Ledan


The jury gave the following grades (rounded): 

1 21.86 13.86
2 21.21 14.07